My name is Shannon Forbes and I started this blog as a way to reflect upon my adventures in becoming a collaborative and interconnected school library media specialist as part of my graduate studies at Syracuse University.
My career path hasn’t always been clear, but all of my experiences have contributed to my decision to go back to school, for the second time, in order to pursue my Masters of Science in Library Information Science with a concentration and certification in School Media. After graduating with a BA in psychology from SUNY Geneseo, I went on to study school counseling and received my MS in Education from SUNY Oneonta in 1995. After getting my degree, I worked in the field of career development at Hartwick College, a small private liberal arts college located in Oneonta, NY for over eleven years. I gained fabulous leadership experience at Hartwick, worked with phenomenal people, met hundreds of great students, and learned that I needed a career counselor as much as the students did!
So, after some soul searching, I left Hartwick, and took entry-level positions as a library aide and a teaching assistant in my children’s elementary school, and the rest, as they say is history! It was here that I discovered that I could blend my love for life-long learning, with my desire to help people, throw in my renewed love of books and reading, as well as my knack for quickly picking up new technology. I discovered that school libraries had changed. They were no longer quiet rooms with bookshelves and afghan-covered rocking chairs; they were now dynamic centers of learning and technology, where students and teachers could collaborate with librarians on multi-media projects, interact with other classrooms around the world, and even create new knowledge and write their own stories. I hope to someday work in one of these libraries, to create one of those libraries and to be a facilitator of knowledge and a digital-age mentor for children.
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