Wednesday, October 24, 2012


The following is a Prezi  I created for a fourth grade biography project I worked on during my elementary school library fieldwork last spring.  I found this neat idea on a blog by called Library Stew.  The idea is that each of the different characteristics of the biography genre are represented by a different food (which kids love) that you mix together and form a "stew" or "trail mix." 

I adapted the idea, dressed in an apron and chef's hat and shared this Prezi to introduce what each of the foods we were going to put together in our "stew" represented.  Kids loved the project, but they especially loved creating the stew and remembering what those ingredients represented (black raisins will never be the same).  This was my first Prezi, and I have to say that once I got the hang of it, it was very fun to make and present.  It definitely seemed to sustain children's attention better than a PowerPoint would.

1 comment:

  1. Terrific Prezi. Thanks for sharing. I love the recipe analogy.
